
Beekeeper Introduction to the Adopt-a-Hive Program

Fellow Texas beekeepers,

I’m Terry Wright, a sideliner beekeeper in northeast Texas and a member of the board of the Texas Honey Bee Education Association (THBEA). I’m writing to ask you and your fellow beekeepers to join with the Adopt-a-Hive program to benefit you, your local community, and Texas beekeepers.

Adopt-a-Hive is simply a way for local businesses to support honey bees through a suggested $1000 donation to THBEA. You, the beekeeper, could approach one or more local businesses with whom you have a relationship and ask each to make a one-time cash donation. THBEA will use the donation to advance beekeeper education, honey bee research, and youth beekeeping programs.

THBEA will provide you and the business with brochures for public distribution entitled You Can Help Texas Honey Bees!. These are take-away pieces to educate the general public and encourage them to take personal steps of action to benefit honey bees. You and the business can label the brochures with your contact information.

The enclosed materials will give you more details on the Adopt-a-Hive program. I hope you’ll join me in starting Adopt-a-Hive in your area!